1- Parallel music is shown in the video below as the lyrics match the visuals as the song is called 'Make me wanna die' and the visuals portray a very dark and gloomy sensation in connection to what she is saying.
2 - Thought beats. This videos lyrics are very sincere and enables you to imagine what is going on without even seeing it. These lyrics make people think deeper about the way they are and realize that they are all in fact 'beautiful' no matter what way they are.
3 - Genre related style. In this video it uses mise en scene costumes to relate it back to the rock genre that it portrays. They do this by wearing black outfits and having fire effects surrounding them.
4 - Multiple close ups, In this video it has many close ups of the singer as she is new to the industry and will need her face advertised so that she can become known.
5- Voyeurism. This video is a good example of voyeurism of women and how they are portrayed as sexual objects and a bit of fun.
6- Intertexual references. This video is a remake of an original song which was produced years ago, it has been re-done in order to re-vamp it.
Good choice of videos Millie, but write up the theories in more detail please.